Right after our Systems block, me and J decided to make a trip down to Happy Valley for the AACF end of the semester banquet. The banquet was semi-formal, so I decided to assemble a dress for it since 1. med school = negative income :( 2. I didn't want to rewear a banquet dress and 3. I wanted to see what would happen. This is fabric I found on clearance in LA--only ~$2 in total!! :D
from L to R: main/base piece, one shoulder piece, middle piece |
Btw, LA's fashion district is AWESOME for finding unique and gorgeous fabrics! no wonder hollywood gets so many amazing costumes!
just one of the MANY shops FULL of fabric in the district |
Due to a physiology final, I did not get to sew the dress as initially planned, but I did bring safety pins. And I really didn't want to buy a dress. So, after much experimentation, pinning, tucking, and wrapping...
the finished product:
with M at banquet! |
Fabric was a bit wrinkly, but i'm pretty happy with the result :)
Thanks to J for helping me with the safety-pinning ;D banquet was super fun, and it was so great seeing everyone again <3!
This is one of my favorite pieces!! :D You looked STUNNING in it!